A business start-up as a sole trader

Japanese business start-up consultant

I used to work as an adviser at Tokyo One-Stop Business Establishment Center. Many foreign nationals came to seek legal advice on how to set up a company in Japan, especially in Tokyo.


Setting up a company is an option to do business, but working as a sole trader is another option. A sole trader is a business that is owned and run by one person. There is only one owner, but they may have employees who work for them. Sole traders are usually start-ups or small businesses. Sole traders have unlimited liability and the owner is personally responsible for the debts of the business. A sole trader pays income tax on their earnings.


A sole trader calculates the amount of income earned during the year from 1st January to 31st December of each year and the amount of income tax, and must file a tax application form at a tax office between 16th February and 15th March of the following year.


It has the risk of unlimited liability and there is a high level of responsibility for the business owner, but it is quick and easy to set up and has low set-up costs.

I hope the information is useful.

I will update every Monday.

For more information

Japanese business consultant

Shihoshoshi Lawyer

(Judicial Scrivener)

Akiko HORI




Thinking about a Japanese Public Holiday: Respect for the Aged Day

In Japan, today is a public holiday, and it is called “Respect for the Aged Day.” Like other developed countries, Japan has an ageing population.


Source: National Institute of Population and Social Security Research


Nowadays, many young people are fascinated by the idea to live in cities, because they can pursue something new, gorgeous and exciting to fulfill their own desire and leave the place where they were born. They try to find their own identity among the great number of population in cities, the life in cities never let them go back to a quiet country life.


However, human bonding is most important for human beings because we are social creatures. Statistically, when children feel secure in their young ages at home, they can be persistent and strive for anything after they become adults. This is because the security in their mind keeps them motivated and confronts any challenging situation they might encounter.


Balancing between a warm family atmosphere and the community environment is critical because it supports young people’s internal development and communication skills. A family should look after each other to build up their trust, and secondly disciplines are needed to learn events that happen in the actual world.

At Respect for the Aged Day, I am thinking about it.


I will update every Monday.
For more information
Japanese business consultant
Shihoshoshi Lawyer
(Judicial Scrivener)

Akiko HORI


Realising women’s potential in business

My father’s family owns a business, but I grew up in a very ordinary family environment, because my father didn’t succeed in his family business and was employed by a company and my mother is a housewife. When I got married, I had no idea about taking more than a part-time job just to kill time, and I had never thought about a “business”.


I’m a Shihoshoshi Lawyer now, but I wish I had worked harder in that banking-related environment when I was working at a bank. However, as I always tell my child, “Failure is never a bad thing”. “The problem is what results those mistakes leave behind”, but I should think about what the reasons were for my mistakes and learn from them and apply them to my decision-making process in the future.


I think the percentage of women in management positions in Japan is still low, compared to other countries. There is no need to feel sad about the low rate because it reflects the past, and there are no 100% perfect methods in life. We should focus on the factors to consider when thinking about what to do in the future.

I decided I could turn the energy and positivity I was experiencing into my own business. I am working tirelessly to support everyone wanting to unleash their full potential with the “Ideas-turned-business” perspective, and how the Japanese legal system is used for those purposes.


I will update every Monday.
For more information

Japanese business consultant
Shihoshoshi Lawyer
(Judicial Scrivener)
Akiko HORI

Wise advice: Those that fail to learn from the mistakes of history are bound to repeat them.

Japanese business start-up consultant

The legal system takes together processes and procedures, and each country constitutes its own category. The system was backed up by history, thus, history has interested me as a way of finding out about other countries.


There are very great differences between the Common Law and Civil Law systems in many areas of the law, and the Japanese system generally follows the Civil Law system. The traditional Japanese system was similar like in the old Roman system, where the head of the family had control over his sons and younger brothers, even if adults, and the family women including a widowed mother, wife and unmarried sisters and daughters with the head of the house having authority over all other members of the house, until he was succeeded by his eldest son in his death.


After the late 18th century, the French Revolution, which brought about the ideas that all adult family members were equal, so that the head of the family had no legal control over his adult sons and daughters, and that all had, at least in principle, equal rights of succession, was truly revolutionary in changing the law in this area. It also affected the Japanese system.


I will update every Monday.
For more information


Japanese business consultant
Shihoshoshi Lawyer
(Judicial Scrivener)
Akiko HORI