Our collected memories influence our actions now and in future.

Japanese business start-up consultant

Life experiences enlighten personal development, because those memories nurture everyone’s personality. Locating these memorial evidences in a computer is an easy option, but relying on this tool too much might risk natural abilities. Learning by heart cultivates human development and it would be versatile in various situations.

Using memories effectively helps healthy brain performance, but because of the recent advanced technology, many people tend to collect those memories on hardware, such as mobiles and computers. However, it might weaken our overall growth, because it might limit our nature. Memories inside brains piled up by experiences construct personal traits.

Although remembering memories in a brain is effective to build up personality, complete trust of memories is risky, because our brain is not exactly the same as the storge of a computer. Memories might be manipulated by personal views and imagination, but, on the other hand, memories are important to identify who we are. For example, someone who suffers a brain damage by an accident or illness loses their self-identity.

Considering the arguments above, the fundamental acknowledgement is that every experience in life, which becomes a memory, is invaluable. A good memory supports mental and physical strengths, and even an experience of failures teaches us a lesson. It is wise to apply those experiences to various situations in a flexible way, which shapes humans to mature selves.

In conclusion, balancing both keeping memories in the brain and using devices as necessary is most efficient, because when we look at computers, that stimulates past memories. Most importantly, the true self-identity resides in everyone’s brain, so digital data should be only equipment to conjure up a personal memory.

Akiko Hori
Japanese business consultant
Shihoshoshi Lawyer
(Judicial Scrivener)

Pursue a career or stay at home?

Japanese business start-up consultant

There is no consensus about the argument whether mums should stay at home for kids or go to work to gain financial independence, but the importance of the early year education is not in doubt. In terms of well-being, parents should protect their kids in their difficult times, and encourage them to experience as much as possible. Trust between parents and children is invaluable for life.

Attention from parents is a way of constructing trust between families, and taking into account this point, there is the idea that a mother stays at home for raising their children unless a family has any financial difficulties. Developing this idea in a negative way, women pursuing their career is irresponsible and selfish.

On the other hand, the recent research reveals that kids from dual-income families are more confident than peers from single-income families. Because young children who build up their own selves in a competitive environment have stronger mentality. This self-recognition boosts their willingness to learn how society works later in life.

The assumption that a child brought up by a stay-at-home mum is more attached to parents might not be wrong, but the current world is more diversified, so children should learn life skills through social interactions. It is a classic idea that men go to work and women stay at home for children.

In conclusion, children’s welfare is not a simple concept, and learning through social activities teaches the young ethics and empathy. Affection from parents is a primary connection, but this theory should not domesticate children. While both parents work outside, children are mentally strengthened by others, which makes young generations mature and independent.

Akiko Hori

The effects of mobile phones

Japanese business start-up consultant

Mobile phones are a useful tool to keep in contact with families and friends, and recently, there are various applications on smartphones to make the most of them. However, convenient equipment is a double-edged sword, and it is harmful and dangerous when children misuse this technology. Adults are responsible for how children use mobile phones, because that relates to the young generation’s future.

Research shows that more than 50% of young children, aged 13 to 16 own their mobile phones these days, and their mobile phones are highly likely to be smartphones. Those phones are bought by their parents, because many of them want to track their children’s whereabouts. Although it is possible to set up parental control, many children manage to access SNS and some inappropriate websites. Bullying on SNS is a current social problem.

As responsible adults, we should not dismiss issues above because children are future adults, so using this technology appropriately is a key for human progress. Dialogue is a conventional way where parents, teachers and professionals organise a workshop or a seminar in a public space, such as a library or a council hall. Creating awareness is also an effective way, for which handing out papers at a school gate is useful.

Society has been developing towards much advanced technology, so learning how to use a tool properly is inevitable. We should take into account advantages of this technology, because banning the young from owning mobile phones is not a solution. We should analyse what are the problems, and improvements for the better community must come first.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/

The ways sport can benefit people.

Japanese business start-up consultant

Playing sport in a team rather than seeking to win as an individual is very much the same as living with others who have different opinions and ideas in society, because a great result can be achieved with co-operation, so sport is one of the ways to build community spirit. In addition, when players exert themselves while playing a game, so they feel refreshed and relaxed afterwards.

Sport is not only play but also education, because it needs a strategy to win comes from preparing before a game. When members talk about it, they exchange pros and cons about their tactics. After that, they try to win a game so as to achieve mutual success. While playing, they experiment with skills and build teamwork. Those efforts are essential in our everyday life in the community, so sport reflects our life.

Another benefit of sport is sweating and its effect on our body. Many people express that they feel better after doing sport, because some researches show that sweat contains negative substances, which release their stress, frustration and so forth through play. Although some people become aggressive to win, which is not an advantage, controlling their emotions is also a part of learning from sport.

Learning how to build community spirit is the best learning method sport can provide, because sporting experiences educate people how to collaborate with others by using practical skills and techniques. Releasing emotions is also a benefit of doing sport, but this contributes only one side of aspects in sport.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/

The way of achievement in equality in the workplace in Japan

Japanese business start-up consultant

Japan is the third largest economy according to the GDP statistics, but there is no real equality in the workplace, because a traditional standard still strongly exists in society. Women can take part in the business environment, in which a fair assessment should be encouraged.

The tradition that men work outside and women stay at home, looking after their husband and children still dominates for Japanese people. OECD statistics shows that only 14% of executives are women in Japan, and this figure is low, compared to other developed countries. Many equal opportunities for women in the workplace have been lost.

Recently, the government introduced the policy that women are encouraged to work, but the majority of women’s work is simple paperwork and office administration. To take the further step, a decent assessment is needed. For example, when a company evaluates the ability of its employees, names and genders should be hidden from an assessor, who should be a third-party organisation. Incentives such as subsidies and tax relaxation are also good options.

Every small step to achieve a fairer society should be appreciated. Women have been neglected in the business environment for so long, so starting from office administration is an effective trend, because every success departs from a single step. Existing female middle managers should be treated fairly by an impartial job assessment.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/

Property for Sale in Japan and historical background of Japan

Did you know that…?
Japan is an archipelago where there are many small islands. However, four main islands, called Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu are main parts, and Tokyo, Japan’s capital city is located in Honshu.

Japan Hokkaido Honshu Shikoku Kyushu

Japanese people often regard people from Middle Eastern countries as exotic, but from the Middle Eastern and sometimes the Western point of view, we Japanese people might be an exotic race, because Japan is situated the Far East of Asia. When travelling from London by plane, it is about a 12 hours flight. Many friends of mine tell me that they dream of going to Japan one day, but it is too far, which reflects the high cost of its flight. In addition, some people incorrectly believe Japan is located inside China! I understand it, because Japanese people and Chinese people look very similar, but it is wrong. Geographically, China is a neighbouring country, and historically, the culture in China greatly influenced the one in Japan, but Japan has its own individual culture and religion. The Japanese main mythology was written in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki in 712 and 720 respectively. Both are very interesting to read, but to cut a long story short, both are like Greek mythology where there are many gods and goddesses. The god, named Izanagi no Mikoto and Goddess named Izanami no Mikoto produced islands, and those islands formed Japan. Tokyo became Japanese capital after the modern age. Until then, the south east area was the central stage of Japanese history.

If someone wants to know Japanese history, they can google it, and there are plenty of websites available. The Internet is a convenient tool to search nowadays. However, the information is rather one dimensional, and I want to add more features in this blog by adding the sequence of real property, which is in my professional field.

I have worked with many companies, estate agents and individuals for more than ten years as a Shishoshoshi lawyer. Those professional experiences are definitely my assets. Because of my business ethos, the most valuable networking is referral. The company below is named “YADOKARI Ltd,”, https://yadokari.company/ and I have liked their concept since I first knew them in 2015, because their vision is completely NEW in the real property industry, in particular. I understand real property is immovable property, thus, it is regulated by law, rules and even local common sense. However, their business always supports community spirit, which is definitely taken into account for the young generation! Our life expectancy is getting longer, and we might have to work even when we get older, because our financial situation is not as steady as it used to be. In my parents’ generation, when someone was hired by one company after their graduation, they worked the same company until they retired, and consequently, the company they worked for looked after their pension as well. Nowadays, changing a job horizontally is common. We have to think about our work-life-balance, and enjoy working with open-mindedness.

Finally, I would like to introduce one of their projects, called “Akiya-gateway” (空き家ゲートウェイ), whose concept is that they buy real property that is difficult to sell in the open market because of its condition, long neglect, disuse and so forth. After that, they clean, mend or repair the real property and sell it at a reasonable price. Their project represents a wise saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

The real property linked to below is located on Iki Island, which was said to be the fifth island that Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto produced. It is a historical place and there are beautiful beach, historical shrines and even their original alcohol. https://akiya-gateway.com/vacant-house/premium003/
(The website is available only in Japanese.)

Without knowing the Japanese property market , nobody buys real property in Japan, but Japan is a beautiful exotic country. I would like to introduce their project whenever possible, and I look forward to hearing one of the viewers of this blog make an enquiry for real property in Japan one day.

The real property details;
Selling price / 5,800,000 Japanese YEN (Roughly equivalent UK£37,000, as of February, 2022)
Location / Ishidacho, Iki city, Iki island (30 minutes flight from Nagasaki airport)
Status / Second-hand property (Two-storey wooden building)
Ownership / Freehold
Land area / 555 square metre

I support many international entrepreneurs, whose countries are United Kingdom, United States, France, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia, India and more. I have expertise in real property, but my main work is as a business consultant, and I have organised business trips, property viewing and operation management, such as drafting contracts and creating minutes. I am not afraid of disclosing difficulties, exit plans and disadvantages. My ethos is to balance my life. I like to be a sole practitioner, because I want to be flexible at any type of projects, to get involved in it if an opportunity is allowed.

Changes in family life

Japanese business start-up consultant

December, 2021 and January, 2022 has gone quickly, but so have the last two years in one sense. Since pandemic, time has passed with little to mark its passing. Going forward, 2020 and 2021 will be the years when our lives were reduced to staying well and getting by for most and, for many, illness and family loss. Everyone wants to get back to normal, but it might take time.

Talking about life, in the past 70 to 80 years, life in the family has significantly changed, because of mechanisation and individualism. The most important thing is that we should not be afraid of facing those problems and tackle towards constructing our better community, because this phenomenon allows women to pursue their career and to provide them financial freedom. In terms of financial independence and career paths for women in particular, advantages outweigh disadvantages.

In the past, housework and childcare were regarded as women’s work. There would be several siblings in their family, whose parents are father and mother. Mothers played an important role looking after children. Nowadays, house chores, such as washing clothes and dishes are done by machines, and that allows women to work independently. This tendency pushes the idea of individualism much harder.

The working environment creates burdens for people, who have to work for long hours and to take on huge responsibility, thus, many adults feel stressed, which causes mental problems. When they are stuck in their office, they are absent from home, so that many children stay at home alone, which makes them vulnerable. However, when adults raise the awareness and our local community supports them, the situation might improve in the near future.

In conclusion, we should not cling on to old traditions, because the thing we can do is to move forward, and there are social discrepancies in all ages. There is a bright side of a structural change of the family life.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/

Employers’ duties of care

Japanese business start-up consultant

In the past, employees had little right to insist on improving their working conditions. However, in recent years, this view has become outdated, and the responsibility for employers has been increasing, so that employers should consider how to let their employees work happily and vigorously.

The most important thing is that employers should value employees as people, because that is a fundamental recognition when working with a group of people in the business environment. Nowadays, the boundary between work and private life is getting vague, as the Internet allows people to work anywhere and anytime. Setting a certain rule under corporate governance is necessary, but if workers are willing to work, they can achieve a good result.

Although the point above is essential, establishing good communications between managers and players would be a productive and practical tool. Verbal communication is inevitable to proceed a project, so when managers create a close relationship with their team by talk, they can find a potential problem before it becomes serious. That also enables them to cut unnecessary legal cost.

To summarise the points above, when employers regard their employees as a valuable asset of their organisations, employees are likely to work hard to boost their outcomes. To do so, a dialogue between both parties is necessary and when they can communicate smoothly and efficiently, employers can ensure their employees keep happy and motivated.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/blog/

When starting something.

Japanese business start-up consultant

When starting something, we are motivated and have a partner to help us, as a result, it is rather easy to boost it even though there are some hurdles. As always, it is hard to turn “0” into “1”, but if we have ambition, there is a strong likelihood of us getting through it.

On the other hand, when deciding to terminate something, we tend to put it off as long as possible, because we are feeling demotivated and it is often the case that there can be a falling out or a break-up behind it.

These things above are normal in business and in everyday life even, so I strongly recommend you consider in advance how you manage your affairs and cope with a thing when facing a difficulty.

You might say that “If I act in this way, nobody can start anything.”, and it is a fair comment. However, I see a lot of business owners who have a solid business plan with a risk management approach to the future, and who anticipate an unforeseeable event, and prepare for the future to some extent, even before a risk arises.

Motivation and no plan have different words and meanings.
Ambition and recklessness also have different meanings.

It is up to each individual to decide how to proceed if an event happens.
You don’t need to get upset with what I say.

I believe that the most important thing is to trust yourself.
However, there are many risks that can be avoided by being a little more careful.
Being careful in any situation and more aware of the people around you can save yourself from a lot of risks in the future.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/blog/

Care for others

Japanese business start-up consultant

Life in recent years is quite different than it was decades ago. In many urban cities, sharing a flat or living in a single family unit is quite common, because, in my opinion, people are likely to focus on their privacy and independence. Many people go to urban areas to seek better life, work and entertainment. When people do so, they leave their parents in their hometown and live on their own.

In comparison, when different generations of one family live together, they can reduce the cost of living, which is one advantage. This is because the family only pays one real property tax or rent, shares food and buys daily products together. While a child is small, its mother or father can easily ask for babysitting from other family members. However, as a disadvantage, there is less privacy. A problem easily arises especially between non-biological family members.

The family is the most trustworthy and reliable institution. People sometimes forget about the kindness, hospitality and respect among close human relationships, because they are too close and easily find bad habits, disadvantages and so on. The most important thing is to care for others in human relationship.

司法書士堀明子 – HORIakiko –
司法書士 / ビジネスコンサルタント / ライフ・コーチ
Shiho-shoshi Lawyer / Business consultant / Life coach
Email: horiakiko@lawhelp4u.com
Tel: +81-(0)3-3249-1536 https://lawhelp4u.com/blog/